Friday 21 January 2011

Our Thriller Film Plot

Our Thriller conforms to the subgenre of Crime thriller.
Our film opening starts with an eerie, slow and mournful soundtrack, there is a black screen with titles, which cuts quickly between that and shots of a girl bound with ropes, she is dirty and slumped against a shed wall, she looks distressed. Then the scene is of a houseproud woman cleaning her kitchen, doing the washing up, the music is happy and cheerful. then her phone rings, however she does not hear it straight away, there is then parralell editing with both the mother getting on with the washing up and the the girl (her daughter) in distress with loose  ropes on her in the shed with a phone to her ear, she is whispering, begging her mother to pick up the phone, there is no one else in the room. by the time the mother eventually hears the phone the phone has gone to voicemail and it stops ringing, so she goes back to the cleaning. shot of the girl scared when the voicemail comes on. then there is a shot of the phone, with the voicemail coming from it, with the mother in the background, however she cannot hear the phone. the shots cut between the mother washing up and the girl in distress.

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