Monday 14 March 2011

Group 48 review - Mise en scene

Group 48 showed appropriate use of mise en scene to show the types of characters and different locations. The first location in a dark barn created an eery and scary atmosphere for the veiwer. They used the location effectively to get the best out of it, and this was very effective for the viewer. The Second location showed a cosy and family home, which was a real contrast to the first location. The props were used well to give a realistic feel to the story line. Although there wasnt many props used, they were used very well and effectively. The two charcters shown in the opening, the protaginist was wearing ripped up dirty clothes to show how she was vunrable, and the second character was the mother or the protagonist. She was shown wearing mumsy clothing giving a laid back and caring impression. Light was used effectvely in the barn, to show confusion for the veiwers that created a good sense of scariness. The titles that were used in group 48 worked well with the main idea and story line. Overall their work was very effective and well put together creating a great lasting effect for the veiwers.

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